Our Services

All services are uniquely designed for your company and employees.

We are actively involved in implementing and maintaining our services.

We offer individual services or combinations

- all depending on what your needs are!




Are you new to the food industry and unsure about what food safety is or how to implement it?

First time certification and not sure what to do?

Let us help!

We create food systems from scratch based on your specific requirements.

All the necessary documentation is created in line with the given requirements.

After creating the system, we help implement the system and assist staff members in running it.

Internal Audits


Site Visits

Are internal audits constantly at the bottom of the priority list?

Don't have qualified or independant staff to meet standard requirements?

Need a fresh set of eyes?

Let us help!

We are qualified to conduct value-adding internal audits and site visits. This service comes with internal audit reports, trends, action plans, follow up discussions and close out reports.

We offer a fresh perspective and work together with your team to design an internal audit program that meets your needs and requirements. 




Your food safety system is in place but it feels like it is not serving any use and is a waste of time?

Is your system not helping to improve your business?

Let us help!

Communication and staff engagement is a crucial part of maintaining an effective food safety system.

We help prioritize your communication channels to ensure that the system is reaching its full potential.

This service includes setting up a plan for management reviews and food safety meetings.

We schedule, facilitate and document meetings.

We help prepare data and set up agenda points.

We follow up on discussion points and action plans while providing recommendations and support.

This way you are guaranteed to have important discussions, keep staff engaged and see tangible results of your system.


Is it difficult to keep up with all the training requirements for staff?

Not sure which procedures staff need to be trained on?

No time or resources to conduct training?

Current training not showing promising results?

Let us help!

When approached correctly, training of staff members can lead to improvement of processes and quality, as well as an increase in staff commitment and engagement.

We offer training programs that are uniquely designed for your company and your staff members. 

This service includes on site training sessions, training material, in house implementation and verification.Our approach to training is engaging, informative and effective. 

Food Safety Culture



Do you feel like you are not getting enough out of your staff members?

Are staff members disengaged and not showing interest in their specific work or the company?

Let us help!

The food safety culture of a company is at the core of its success but is often neglected.

This leads to disengaged staff which directly influences the business (productivity, customer relationships, quality etc.).

We offer a service of turning your company's culture into an engaging and thriving space.

We evaluate your culture and design a culture implementation program with easy to use tools. 

Ad-hoc Services

Any other services you might need?

Let us help!

- Once off training

- Once off conversions or updating of food safety systems

- Arrangements for microbiological and chemical analysis and record keeping

- Arrangements for equipment calibration and record keeping

- Approved supplier information maintenance and record keeping